The increasing losses of the Ukrainian army on a daily basis could be the turning point in the war


The great daily casualties suffered by Ukrainians in the war against Russia may have been a turning point in the ongoing conflict.

Ukrainian casualties There are reportedly somewhere between 6oo and 1,000 a day. Oleksiy Erastovich, an adviser to the president, told The Guardian that 150 people were killed daily this week and another 800 were injured, Mykhailo Podolik told the BBC that between 100 and 200 Ukrainian soldiers were being killed a day. There is a complete lack of parity between the Russian and Ukrainian armies and this was underestimated by the West.

Recently the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky Keep the daily death toll at 100, but Podolik said it had risen. Ukrainian officials themselves have pointed to the growing losses. Ukrainian army Running out of ammunition near south border areas, Mykolaiv governor said Vitaly Kim, urged for immediate international military assistance. “Russian military is more powerful, they have lots of artillery and gunpowder. For now, it’s artillery warfare … and we’re out of gunpowder,” Kim was quoted as saying by Voice of America.

“Over 20,000 casualties in a month – raises questions about which state” UkraineAccording to an article in The Guardian published on June 10, if the war continues into the autumn, so will the army.

According to The Guardian article, “…the Ukrainian army is already being pushed back in a bombardment of Donbass artillery, which is likely to have a shell-shock effect on many of those who survived it.”

“Western officials prefer not to discuss the war’s impact on the defenders, instead highlighting the problems in their briefings for the Russians. This week, one of those officials said he estimated the invaders would have killed “up to 15,000″. 20,000 dead”, out of an invasion force that numbered 150,000 or more. Nevertheless, Moscow’s forces still did not lose their offensive capability. But they chose not to provide similar estimates for Ukraine, Which may give rise to the one-sided impression that the Russians’ position is worsening. In fact, with an artillery overmatch of 10 or 15 to one, according to the Ukrainians, it may well be that the invaders’ casualty rate is at this point in time. very little, as they are able to deal death to rescuers from greater distances who cannot see them,” according to The Guardian

“Ammunition is certainly running low on the Ukrainian side, again by his own admission. Ukraine is using between 5,000 and 6,000 artillery rounds a day,” Vadim Skbitsky, deputy chief of Ukraine’s military intelligence, said. , and the Soviets have “nearly used up” their stockpile of 152 mm standard shells. It now relies on NATO-standard 155 mm howitzers; it is not clear how many of these there are.”

Commanders told the Guardian that Ukraine struggles with some basic equipment such as encrypted radios (where mobile phones work, instead relying on secure Signal apps) or advanced sights and optics commonly used by Western armies. does.

According to a New York Times column, US officials do not have a complete picture of the capabilities of the Ukrainian military. According to a New York Times (NYT) article titled “A Clearer Picture of Ukraine’s War Strategy, Officials Say”, US intelligence agencies have little information about Ukraine’s operations.

“… there are cracks in Ukraine’s defenses, and questions about the position of Ukraine’s military forces and tactics in the Donbass paint an incomplete picture for the United States,” according to the NYT piece.


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