Download Automatic Form 16 Part A&B and Form 16 Part B for the F.Y.2021-22 in Excel

Download Automatic Form 16 Part A&B and Form 16 Part B for the F.Y.2021-22 in Excel | Meaning of Form 16, Form 16A, downloads Form 16 Part B: Form 16 is a key document for an employee, especially if the employer has withheld income tax. Form 16 is essentially a certificate provided by the employer to the employee, which indicates the amount of tax withheld from wages.   When an employee files a tax return, Form 16 helps you see how much taxes have already been paid and what still needs to be paid. Employers must…

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Highlights of Budget 2022 | With Automatic Income Tax Form 16 + Arrears Relief U/S 89(1) + Automatic Income Tax Preparation software All in One in Excel for the F.Y.2021-22

Highlights of Budget 2022. No change latest income tax slab rates for F.Y 2022-23 & A.Y 2023-24  after Budget 2022. There are any changes in the income tax rates applicable to individuals? Let’s see  the details. In this post, my focus is to share with you the latest Income Tax Slab Rates and applicable Security Transaction Tax (STT) for FY 2022-23 / the Year 2023-24. Highlights of Budget 2022  #No change in tax slab No change in tax slab  # Revised tax filing if you have missed some information If you have…

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Budget 2022: Any changes to the Tax Threshold and Standard Deduction for Salaried Retirees in FY 2022-23? With Automatic Income Tax Preparation Software All in One in Excel for the F.Y.2021-22 as per new and old Tax Regime.

 Budget 2022 did not provide for any change in the standard deduction amount available to employees  and retirees. Therefore, This will effectively mean that salaried individuals and retirees (whose pension is taxed) In other words, However, Below the head salary) will continue to claim the same standard deduction amount in fiscal 2022-23 as they did in fiscal 2021-22. For instance, can claim Rs 50,000 as a standard deduction if they opt for the old tax regime in the financial year 2022-23.  The amount available to apply for the standard deduction had to increase due to the…

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Exemption under section 87A | With Automatic Income Tax Form 16 Part A and B and Part B which can prepare at a time 50 Employees for F.Y.2021-22

Exemption under section 87A. What is an exemption as well as deduction under Section 87A and who  are eligible for it? A person who is a resident of India and whose total income does not exceed Rs.  5.00.000 is entitled to claim an exemption under section 87A after deduction. Therefore, In other words, The exemption under section 87A is available as a tax liability deduction. Exemption under Section 87A 100% Income Tax. if the tax liability exceeds Rs. 5,000, the discount will not be available. However, Download and Prepare At a time 50 Employees Form 16 Part…

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NPS a good savings & Tax Benefits scheme | With Automatic Income Tax Preparation Software in Excel for the F.Y.2021-22 with Automated Income Tax Form 16 and Automated Arrears Relief Form 10 E

NPS is a good savings and tax benefit. National Pension System (NPS) A good savings tool with stable returns and tax benefits The National Pension System (NPS) is not yet very popular with individual evaluators as people are not familiar with the benefits of the NPS. It is one of the best ways to save, stable returns and tax benefits. Therefore, It is undeniable that old age pensions are an advantage when income falls. It is relevant that the pension is no longer available for state and semi-government employees who entered service after…

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Zero Income Tax on Rs 10 lakhs Individual Income- See How? With Automated Income Tax Preparation Software in Excel All in One and Form 16 for the F.Y.2021-22

Zero Income Tax on Rs 10 lakhs Individual Income- See How? It is well known that the income tax on income of Rs. 10 lakh in a personal situation will attract Rs. 1.17.000 / -. But, if you plan well, you don’t have to pay any income tax on your personal income of Rs 10 lakh. Therefore, In order to promote savings and provide tax relief, the government has enacted several exemptions under various chapters for the benefit of individual evaluators. However, the basic exemption limit under the Income Tax Act is only Rs. 2.5 lakh…

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Income Tax Section 80GG – exemption on paid rent| With Automatic Income Tax master of Form 16 for the F.Y.2021-22 as per Budget 2021

Income Tax Section 80GG is a exemption under Chapter VI-A of the Income-tax Act, 1961. It is intended to provide relief to those who do not receive a house rent allowance but are paying rent to stay. Thus, a person can claim a deduction for the rent paid even if he does not receive a house rent allowance. Therefore, An individual must be self-employed or salaried to claim deduction under this section. 80GG allows individuals to claim a deduction in the case of a rented house. This type of house will be rented for…

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Income tax allowances as well as deductions of salaried persons| With Auto-fill Income Tax Preparation Software in Excel for the Govt and Non-Govt Employees for the F.Y.2021-22

Income tax allowances, as well as deductions of salaried persons | Salaried persons, constitute a major part of the overall taxpayers of the country and their contribution to tax collection is significant. Therefore, Income tax deduction provides many opportunities for tax saving for the salaried class. With these discounts and rebates and one can significantly reduce his taxes. Exemption of allowance House rent allowance A salaried person who has rented accommodation can get HRA (house rent allowance) benefit. However, if you do not live in rented accommodation and still get an HRA, it…

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Income tax deduction under Sec 80 CCD (1B) Along with Automatic Income Tax Preparation Software in Excel for the Government and Non-Government Employees for the F.Y.2021-22

Income tax deduction under Sec 80 CCD (1B). According to the rules and regulations of the Income Tax Act 1961, payment of income tax is mandatory for every citizen of India. But that doesn’t mean you have to pay tax on the income you make. In a given financial year. Therefore, there are several provisions under the Income Tax Act that allows you to claim exemptions against certain investments and expenses. Plan your taxes to save your income In other words, by planning your taxes carefully, you can save a significant amount for your taxation obligations and…

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What is Section 80TTA? With Automatic Income Tax Preparation Software in excel All in One for the Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand and Assam State Employees for the F.Y.2021-22

 What is Section 80TTA? Section 80TTA of the Income Tax Act gives a discount to interest income. Limits are accessible for certain constraints and limitations. Therefore, In this article, we have covered everything  identified with guaranteeing tax exemption because of interest procured Tax exemption on interest income In other words, where a taxpayer’s total income remembers any income through interest for the deposit, that income is without tax. The taxpayer should be a different taxpayer, an individual from the Hindu Unified Family or a Hindu Unified Family. However, The way of acquiring interest should be…

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